Friday, April 14, 2006

I use this thing called facebook, which is kind of like a myspace thing for college students. It's a quick and easy way to connect with your classmates. You can even upload picture albums so that other people on facebook can look at your photos. Fecebook emails you when someone posts a photo of you. Today I received a message that said my sister posted a photo of me. So I looked to see which picture it was. It was a picture from her wedding day. One picture was of the bride's maids. The other picture was of me trying to catch the bouqet.

You know what it feels like when you realize how you look doing certain things? I had one of those moments, and my first thought was this: "Oh my gosh! That's what I looked like??? And in a dress at that!". I already knew that I am somewhat uncooth, but geez! I have come to the conclusion that I should just never dress up so that I can avoid looking like that in a dress. Here's the picture...I may as well have dove to get it. I look like I should be on the softball field or something!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Morgan, you look great! I, on the other hand, am much more like the girl on your left, which could explain something -- 283 bouquet tosses later and look who's still single! I'd like for you to teach me some receiving skills. My next toss is scheduled for the first weekend in July. We have 2 months to train. Let's get busy...