Saturday, June 10, 2006

Have you ever walked away from a test so bummed and frustrated that you had to go to Larry's Giant Subs and binge on an 8 inch sub (with the works) and a bag of baked lays??? Well, it happened to me today! I am aspiring to teach 7th grade math at the school where I've been working as a PE teacher. Not only am I aspiring, I've already been hired! So, in order to do this I have to pass the PRAXIS II test to get certified to teach math to the middle school kiddies. As it turns out, there is only one test date before the beginning of the fall 2006 semester...Saturday, June Needless to say, I really really need to pass this freaking test the first time around. (repercussions of not passing = maybe not being able to teach math, and having to fork out another $115 dollars to take the test again).

There were 40 multiple choice questions, which didn't take me long. I felt good about it. Then came the three explanation questions. You know, the ones that give you a problem, then break it up into parts a, b, c, d, e, and f! They were super-long, and really hard. I had an hour left when I started the first one, and was still working on it when they announced that there were 30min left. So I figured I'd better move onto the second one. I only answered half of it because it was hard as crap, then moved onto the third one, which I don't really think I got right. When I figured out how to do the rest of the first one I got excited! ...then it happened--"Please put your pencils down and stop working." I wouldn't dare quickly write the answer in...they'd take my test and rip it up! Ahh!!!

All I have to say is, I REALLY hope it doesn't take much to pass...

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